The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide

DNS Glossed Over

A reviewer stated that Time To Live (TTL) and some other issues on DNS were not covered.

This is a valid point. However, I decided that these issues, while important, would only matter to a nameserver administrator, not to a general corporate administrator. While in large academic institutions it is customary to run nameservers, most corporate settings should not run their own nameserver and should, instead, leave the nameserving to their ISP. Additionally, now that DNS is integrated into Active Directory (AD), it is likely that many corporate nets that have any Windows 2K deployed will deploy AD and its combined WINS/DNS server. Since Microsoft has a habit of renaming all standardized industry terms, it is likely that any "normal" discussion of DNS will be completely meaningless when faced with configuring the AD hydra. For those admins who don't want to get sucked into this and would rather run a REAL nameserver, the O'Reilly book DNS and BIND is an excellent resource.

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