The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide

This should be two chapters

A reviewer said that he felt the chapter was partly Introduction to UNIX and partly Introduction to BSD. He felt it should be divided into two separate chapters, the first a general introduction to UNIX commands, like cd, ls, wc, du, cp, mv, rm, and the UNIX filesystem. The second would be an introduction to UNIX administration of FreeBSD.

I had originally considered doing this when first laying out the chapter contents in the outline of the book, but I rejected it because of lack of space. I also felt that a separate chapter on just UNIX commands would be too far removed from the thrust of this book. There are plenty of introductory manuals available that just cover the shell, file manipulation, and other basics.

In addition to this, I have found through my own experience that DOS command (ie: Windows command line) familiarity teaches most of what one needs to be familiar with the UNIX command line. I can't help it if Windows administrators don't have Windows command prompt experience; that's a hole in their own education they should have filled before becoming a Windows network administrator.

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